Photographs on this site may be used on personal blog sites and social media only when credit is given with a link to, failure to do so will be subject to legal action under penalty of law to the fullest.

Any interest in editorial use or special projects please use the contact form on our CONTACT page.



The distinct and deep passion for music, show and entertainment is the basis for the creative work of artBLVD21-PHOTOGRAPHY. What artists express audio/visually with their music or performance, artBLVD21-PHOTOGRAPHY captures by means of, point of view, camera and resulting photo material.

Inspired by the pioneers of music photography - Henry Diltz, Peter Simon or Hannes Schmid - artBLVD21-PHOTOGRAPHY has set itself the goal of taking their photographic work as a model and continuing it.
In today's digital world not always an easy task, but the focus is always on the principle of creating "lasting memories" to be able to look back someday on: "Passion" (Passion), "Emotions" (Emotions) and "Moments" (Moments).

"Two months after founding the company (Est. 2011) artBLVD21-PHOTOGRAPHY already made a name for itself in show, event and concert photography with its own webzine "The BLVD Magazine."

Head of artBLVD21-PHOTOGRAPHY - Olli Niggli

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